Bailey was hoping for a relaxing candle-lit massage, which is exactly what this babe got. I dont think that babe was aware how raunchy it would become though. That Babe lays down with a smile and the masseur starts to coat her body in exotic oils. That Guy pays additional attention to the greater quantity tense areas, like her wazoo and her wobblers. As pretty soon as this guy begins rubbing her love tunnel, that babe can not aid but crave to return the favour. That Babe sucks his pecker like a champ then allows for her already oiled vagina to be fucked by our hard and excited masseur. That massage really loosened bailey up as that babe was able to contort into some wild poses. His spunk might have been overkill due to all the oil, but im sure a little additional moisturization was welcomed with open arms.
3 years ago
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