Sometimes when u???ve been dating a honey for a during the time that, u have to come up with clever ploys to acquire the slit. I said my gal Lacie Channing this babe could acquire a foot massage and dinner if this babe could put up a pair of frames on the wall out of needing my assist but if that babe lost, this babe had to do everything I wanted. Genius idea since this babe???s 4???11 and tied to fuck up at some point! The abode always wins. It had been a lengthy time since I tore up that cookie so I took full advantage of this one! Lacie actually knew how to handle my shlong and deepthroat it well. Since it had been a whilst, I forgot just how hawt this small little sweetheart looked getting pounded by my massive weenie. Oh and that foot massage? Since I???m a stud of my word, I gave her a warm sperm treat on her foot. Hoes in advance of bros!
4 years ago
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