Well Anna strode out of the changing area re-modelled in a hot school hotty outfit complete with petite pleated school petticoat, white shirt and tie. This Babe likewise had darksome tights and hawt pants below. When I saw her, my heart skipped a not many beats and I had to team fuck my chest to acquire it beating another time. Yep my brethren I was clinically dead from shock for a small in number seconds! I get to ask u my allies, what would u do if faced with such a sight, looking at u with a look of crazed craving in her eyes? I know what u'd do, u'd do as I did. I grabbed her, stuffed my tongue down her mouth, then turned her around , bent her over and tore a giant aperture in her tights, ripped her pants in half and plunged my dong into her soaking love tunnel at which point this babe let out a guttural moan of enjoyment. After that this babe was insatiable and drilled with the same force as a gold prospector might dig after 10 years of digging finds a seam of solid gold! Anna was overcome not with gold fever, but schlong fever and yep my brethren I paid the price! A body left racked with ache from being repeatedly pounded and pounded! I am not complaining, but no muscle or bone in my body was left unscathed by this crazed sex brute!
3 years ago
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