Welcome back to the orgy that is OyeLoca.com. Butders and I met up at the beach and that guy was giving me shit for lastly buying some fresh sunglasses. Fuck that! I'm all style. Merely the superlatively good for me. But I'm getting off topic here. We were at the beach looking for one more Lalin Girl to lay the weenie on when we ran into a tall blond with a heavenly body named Summer. Now Summer looks like a white hotty but we discovered out that Argentina claimed her eighteen years agone. With an a-hole like that I knew that babe had some Latin Babe blood in her. Well Butders got the introduction down and offered an oil rub coz we take a stand against tan lines... okay really we just wanted to feel up on that glorious booty. After that budters was a little sexually excited and Summer was sexy and thirsty so we went back to my place. We cooled her down with some ice all over these merry love melons and smooth a-hole. Then Butders oiled up her a-hole afresh and couldn't assist but acquire a little smack, coño. (Spanish 101. Coño = damn!) That got her a little lustful and that babe was taking the meat to the back of the face hole. This Babe was loving each second of it. Then that babe got on the bed and Butders rammed that wazoo. And since this babe was thirsty earlier Butders left her with a cum puddle on her zeppelins to quench it. 1 greater quantity for the admirable boys!
4 years ago
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