We just moved into our fresh place! I can't make no doubt of we lastly did it. All I can think about is all the sex we're going to have in this place. Not having to worry about neighbors hearing us fuck is a relief. I can be as loud as I wish! My boyfriend appeared to be to be gorgeous pleased about it likewise. We picked up some lunch and then drove back our fresh place. On the way this chab just couldn't keep his hands off of me. I showed him I wasn't wearing any pants and that guy started to finger me! Fuck I'm so concupiscent. We got home and made sure to break our fresh place in right. We have our mattress down and I got on my knees like a valuable hotty and sucked and stroked his wang. My love tunnel couldn't await anymore though and got on top and bounced up and down. Working that a-hole and muff and my boyfriend gave me a welcome facial! I'm plan to love it here!
5 years ago
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