One Time anew Noes spouse stands her up. Its usually for dinner or a clip, but this day it was for smth particular. A couples massage. Although shes piddled, it doesnt stop her from trying to acquire the relaxation that babe so desperately needs. As the massage ensues, the masseur notices how tense Noe is and this causes her to bring up her sex life. Her spouse merely bonks her one time a week, and its not even a fine fucking! This is no bueno at all, and luckily her massage therapist picks up on the cues right away. That Guy just now switches from rubbing her back to rubbing her love tunnel and makes sure Noe acquires that specific clitoral stimulation that babe merits. This Guy provides her with one of the most excellent fuckings that babe has ever had within her 5 years of being married, and this babe is enjoyable sufficiently to gulp his cum, give him a handsome tip, and book an appointment for the same day and time each week for the next year. La vida es bien otra vez!
5 years ago
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